菱木宏美納車後すぐコーティングして頂きました。 コーティングの種類丁寧に教えていただいた後、スタッフさんの努力で約丸一日で仕上がりコーティング後の洗車の仕方、また水が溜まりやすい所、タオルの使い方、スタッフ...納車後すぐコーティングして頂きました。
(Translated by Google)
I had the car coated immediately after delivery.
After being taught in detail the types of coatings, the staff worked hard to finish the car in about a day.We learned how to wash the car after coating, where water tends to accumulate, how to use towels, and how the staff really handle each job. I was able to fully understand how to deal with it. Recently, I have been dealing with administrative matters, but it was a shop that I wanted to use again and could ask about anything. Thank you again. Thank you very much♪ -
yuya kushi洗車が凄く丁寧でピカピカになりました。対応も丁寧で安心して任せられます。オススメです。 (Translated by Google) The car wash was very thorough and came out sparkling clean. You will be treated with ...洗車が凄く丁寧でピカピカになりました。対応も丁寧で安心して任せられます。オススメです。
(Translated by Google)
The car wash was very thorough and came out sparkling clean. You will be treated with care and peace of mind. Recommended. -
顕之輔伊藤知り合いの高純度プレミアムガラスコーティング施工後の車を見させて貰いましたが写真に掲載されている程輝いてはなかったです。ライトや光を当ててる角度だと思います。 またコーティング剤は業務上秘密との事...知り合いの高純度プレミアムガラスコーティング施工後の車を見させて貰いましたが写真に掲載されている程輝いてはなかったです。ライトや光を当ててる角度だと思います。
(Translated by Google)
I was able to see a friend's car after applying high-purity premium glass coating, but it wasn't as shiny as it was in the photo. I think it's the light and the angle of the light.
Also, the coating agent is a business secret, so I don't know what kind of coating agent it is.
It is said that the maintenance (scaling agents) required for coating will damage the water-repellent base.
I don't think it's suitable for people who want to do their own maintenance.
We are a coating shop that takes care of all the maintenance from washing your car after installation.
Email correspondence was also polite. -
y mこの度は洗車ありがとうございます。スタッフさんの感じも良く、通いやすいですね。 (Translated by Google) Thank you for washing the car this time. The staff are very nice and it's easy to get around.この度は洗車ありがとうございます。スタッフさんの感じも良く、通いやすいですね。
(Translated by Google)
Thank you for washing the car this time. The staff are very nice and it's easy to get around. -
miru 0929いい感じ! (Translated by Google) Feels good!いい感じ!
(Translated by Google)
Feels good! -
king suzu営業時間終了間近の洗車依頼にも嫌な顔一つせず行ってくれました 助かりました (Translated by Google) Even when I requested a car wash near the end of business hours, he did it without a single unpleas...営業時間終了間近の洗車依頼にも嫌な顔一つせず行ってくれました
(Translated by Google)
Even when I requested a car wash near the end of business hours, he did it without a single unpleasant look.
Thank you for your help -
htm隣のコインランドリーで飼い犬のクッションを洗ってもらっているついでに洗車してもらいました なかなか便利なお店を見つけました (Translated by Google) I had my car washed while I was having my dog's cus...隣のコインランドリーで飼い犬のクッションを洗ってもらっているついでに洗車してもらいました
(Translated by Google)
I had my car washed while I was having my dog's cushion washed at the coin laundry next door.
I found a very convenient store. -
すまじい非常に丁重な仕上がりのカーコーティング施工に満足しています 今まで数台を他社でカーコーティング施工してもらいましたがここが一番満足しています 又洗車も丁寧に行なってくれます (Translated by Google) I ...非常に丁重な仕上がりのカーコーティング施工に満足しています
(Translated by Google)
I am satisfied with the car coating construction, which was done very carefully.
I have had several car coatings done by other companies so far, but this is the one I am most satisfied with.
They also do a thorough car wash. -
なかよし学園nakayoshi-gakuen丁寧な対応と信頼できる技術で、今までのコーティングが何だったんだと思うほど満足です! (Translated by Google) With their courteous service and reliable technology, I'm so satisfied that I wonder wha...丁寧な対応と信頼できる技術で、今までのコーティングが何だったんだと思うほど満足です!
(Translated by Google)
With their courteous service and reliable technology, I'm so satisfied that I wonder what the coating was like before! -